One of the best treatment options for tinnitus symptoms is the use of natural herbs and holistic methods.  Nothing has proven to cure tinnitus at this point, so the best we can hope for at any time is to simply treat and control the horrible symptoms that come with this awful problem.  There are several herbal options that often help some people with their ringing ears, but nothing has proven to work 100% of the time for everyone.  In this article, we are going to do a Ginkgo Biloba review for treating tinnitus and its effects on tinnitus symptoms.  If you are interested in learning the facts about tinnitus and are wondering if Ginkgo Biloba helps cure tinnitus or even reduce the ringing in the ears, then you will want to read the rest of this Ginkgo Biloba review.

Gingko Biloba To Treat Tinnitus

Gingko Biloba To Treat Tinnitus

While there has not been a lot of effective research on the use of Ginkgo Biloba in the treatment of tinnitus, the few studies that have been done have not show a lot of real promise.  However, there are quite a few people that use GB and swear by the results.  Once again, our thoughts are that everyone is different, so the only real way to find out is to simply buy a bottle of the product and start using it to see what happens.  It’s a relatively inexpensive option, and if it works, then you are off to a good start.  If it doesn’t work for you, then you have simply spent a few dollars to find out how it might work for you.

Here is what Dr. Stephen Nagler had to say about the use of Ginkgo Biloba to treat tinnitus at

The vast majority of individuals significantly affected by tinnitus encounter the maidenhair tree along the inevitable odyssey in search of relief from incessant ringing.  Some walk quickly by, some stop and ponder, and some remain to partake of the fruits (actually extracts from dried leaves) of this tree, which is the oldest living species of tree on earth, having been present since the days of the dinosaur.  Ginkgo biloba, the maidenhair tree, was believed at one time to have magical powers.  Today ginkgo is felt by many to have a legitimate medicinal role.  The extracts, which can be taken in pill form, as a liquid, or intravenously, are administered – among many reasons – in the hopes of impacting cerebral insufficiency by increasing blood flow to the brain, by improving neurotransmission, and by being free-radical scavengers.  Symptoms of cerebral insufficiency, an imprecise term for a condition which demands much greater study, can include difficulties of cognitive skills, decreased energy and physical performance, depression, anxiety, dizziness, headache, and … tinnitus.1

Although some members of the tinnitus population “swear by” Ginkgo biloba, others feel that it is totally ineffective.  The question of the true value of this agent was answered conclusively in and article by Drew and Davies published in the British Medical Journal in January 2001.  They ran a meticulous double-blind prospective study at the University of Birmingham (UK) with over a thousand participants and found ginkgo to be no more effective in treating tinnitus than placebo.  In spite of the outcome of the study, the many affected by tinnitus who believe that ginkgo has improved their symptomatology will undoubtedly continue to use it.

One of the appealing aspects of Ginkgo biloba when considered for tinnitus treatment has been the fact that whether or not it is effective, it is relatively inexpensive, and it supposedly has negligible side effects.  The purpose of this article is to explore one particular side effect of ginkgo, which has recently begun to appear in the medical literature, and which may be grossly under-reported.

For the numerous patients who have taken ginkgo in search of relief, the main reason for some discontinuing this agent has been failure for tinnitus to improve in their particular cases.  Infrequently (but not insignificantly), however, ginkgo is discontinued because of an apparent increased propensity for epistaxis – nosebleeds.  The vast majority of individuals on ginkgo have no problems with nosebleeds … or any other side effects.  You can read the rest of the original article here.

Having said all of what was just stated, here is a more recent study of a special extract of Ginkgo Biloba shows much more promise than earlier and less sophisticated studies.  Here is what we found at

Around three million Germans permanently suffer from tinnitus, which can cause some considerable impairment in daily life. According to the most recent research findings, tinnitus results from maladaptive learning processes. The pharmacological reinforcement of neuronal plasticity to promote “unlearning” is therefore a new therapeutic approach. Ginkgo special extract EGb 761® (Tebonin®) is suitable for this, as studies show that it increases neuronal plasticity.1 At the ENT Congress in Mainz, experts described the current status of research during a satellite symposium organised by Dr. Willmar Schwabe and chaired by Prof. Norbert Holstein, Karlsruhe.2 His conclusion: “The clinical data show that EGb 761® is an effective and well-tolerated option to help in the treatment of various forms of tinnitus.” In an animal model, a protective effect against the development of central tinnitus was found with EGb 761®.3

The pathogenesis of acute tinnitus was long thought to be of vascular origin. However, research over the past few years shows that tinnitus can be described as “phantom pain” of the inner ear. “Tinnitus arises as a central phenomenon with a predominantly peripheral trigger – hearing loss – based on maladaptive learning processes in the auditory cortex”, explained Prof. Christo Pantev, Münster. The maladaptive neuronal plasticity leads to the formation of a cortical tinnitus network – tinnitus is “learnt” and can therefore also be “unlearnt”. According to Prof. Holger Schulze, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, so-called retraining therapies have been shown to be particularly promising for the treatment of central tinnitus. The aim is to reverse the neuroplastic changes underlying the tinnitus. “Studies suggest that EGb 761® can further support specific retraining programmes by promoting the renewed neuroplastic development” according to Schulze.  You can read the entire original article here.

We have decided to test Ginkgo Biloba ourselves, although we have found that we have gotten some great results from Tinnitus Miracle and Lipoflavonoid Plus already.  You can follow the links if you would like to learn more about either of those two treatment options.  Once we have used GB for a minimum of 90 days, we will try and report back as to how we fared with it’s use.  Remember, our experience has proven to us that some techniques work well for some people, while others get absolutely no results at all, so everyone is different.

One reason for the mixed results could be that tinnitus is simply a symptom of some other underlying health issue, so even though you and I may both have symptoms of ringing in the ears, it does not necessarily have to be caused by the same health issue, so how we treat our ringing ears in order to find relief may be completely different.  In other words, your ringing ears may be caused by damage to your hearing, while mine might be caused by a lack of proper blood flow to certain parts of my inner ear.  In the end, both issues cause tinnitus, but both are happening for different reasons.

We hope that this Ginkgo Biloba review for treating tinnitus has been helpful for you.  You might want to check back in the coming months to see our update once we have taken Ginkgo for at least 90 days.  Our site is dedicated to keeping you up to date on tinnitus facts and treatment options, so spend some time exploring all of our data if you want to learn more about this debilitating health problem that so many suffer from around the world.  If you want to give Ginkgo Biloba a shot by taking it yourself, you can find a link below to some excellent prices.  The feedback that we have gotten is that this double strength formula has worked for some people.

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