We have already posted a lipoflavonoid review, so if you have not seen it yet, we urge you to read that information as well.  Since we get a lot of requests for information on using lipoflavonoid to help cure tinnitus, we thought we would add more user reviews and feedback on the side effects of lipoflavonoid use.  While there is no cure for tinnitus, there are some effective ways to treat tinnitus symptoms.  While we get reports of success in treating tinnitus and the problem of ringing in the ears, what works for some people will not work for others.  There are also some forms of tinnitus that are caused by hearing damage in which the ringing in your ears will not respond to any type of treatment, so know this up front before attempting any kind of tinnitus treatment options.

While some people swear by the use of Lipoflavonoid to help reduce their ringing ears, others claim that they get no benefit at all.  We suspect that some people do have nutrient or vitamin deficiencies that will lead to increased tinnitus symptoms, and it is these individuals that can benefit from the use of Lipoflavonoid as it is a combination of several different nutrients and vitamins that have proven to help improve tinnitus symptoms in individual studies.  When you combine the ingredients, they often have a synergistic effect for improving the tinnitus symptoms of some individuals.  The only way you will know for certain if it works for you is to simply try it.

For those of you that are interested in Lipoflavonoid or if you simply want more information on it, we have pulled together this list of reviews and side effects that have been reported by actual users.  You will find that the results are mixed, which some swearing by Lipoflavonoid, while others claim no improvement at all.  Here is what we found on some great lipoflavonoid information at www.webmd.com.


I have been using lipoflavinoid for tinnitus for over 3 months and no noticable change. the ringing in my ear is the same


I was so excited that something might help the tinnitus that I experienced due to severe TMJ. I took the maximum dose for three weeks. During the last few nights I am waking up trying to take a normal breath. I have to sit up in bed trying to get air. Now I am reading the other warnings from other web sites and difficulty breathing is a dangerous side effect…why is this on the market with no warnings???? I will stop taking this immediately and hope others will do this. By the way, the ringing did seem to be getting better, but so is my TMJ so I don’t know if this helped or not.


Ihave had vertigo so bad all the time to where I felt miserable all the time. I was told about Lipo-flavonoid. I have been on it a month now. I had to change from taking it three times a day to two times a day. If I took it at night I could not go to sleep. Since I have been on this my Vertigo has improved 150%….. I am so thankful for this. How ever I am having a time with constipation now which is no fun. My stomach stays very swollen and that makes me very uncomfortable. Over all though the main thing is to help my vertigo so I can function and this truly does. Oh yeah it has gave me a ton of energy which is a good thing to. I would recommend this to anyone!!!


I have been taking this for about 2 months, and have noticed some reduction in the level of the ringing in my ears. I wasn’t sure if it was the lipo that was responsible or if it was a placebo effect, until I missed a couple doses and the ringing came back as loud as ever. I also haven’t had a Meniere’s attack since I started taking it, but I can’t say if that has anything to do with it either. I wish there was more research on Meniere’s to prove or disprove some treatment besides benzodiazepines which make me sleepy all the time!


I took 1 pill;1 hr. later and I was cleaning kitchen fan sand felt strange sensation in left leg. Got down and discovered bluish color down whole leg. Laid down and gone in 10 min. Not taking another pill! Wasted $30.

no effect


it gave me sharp pains in one side of my head.


Feeling dizzy, with nausea. In addition, I’ve experienced trouble with irregular bowl movements. I’ve noticed little, if any relief from tinnitus, with this supplement.


I took lipo-flavonoid for 6 months with no results at all waste of money.


After 3 days, I am staggering around dizzy and nauseated. I can hardly walk. I accessed this site to see if others had the same problem. Apparently others do.

After 3 double doses I had extreme nausea and woke with a terrific headache and my ears were hurting. This supplement should not be sold without warnings! Thanks FDA.

Blood in urine


The Ringing In my Ears Only stops when I take 10mg of Valium 3 times a Day. The Lipo-Flavonoid Does Nothing to stop the Ringing!

I took this supplement for the annoying ringing in both of my ears which has bothered me for many years. I went by the dosage instructions for one month, however, when I began experiencing stomach cramps I decreased the dosage to half and continued taking for two more months (I was desperate for something to help eliminate the ringing in my ears and the instructions said it would take for 3-6 months before seeing improvement). I had to stop taking it after three months. The ringing in my ears did not improve and the cramping in my stomach increased. I did go to my doctor who agreed I should stop and said it could take 6 weeks for this supplement to get it out of my system. It has now been two months since I stopped taking it and the stomach cramps have disappeared. I was very disappointed that I saw no improvement in this most frustrating and annoying condition.

Began taking this supplement over 4 months ago. If anything the severe ringing in my ears is even worse than before. This supplement has done absolutely nothing to lessen the ringing. I have been taking the maximum suggested dosage.


I have been had tinnitus for the last 9 months due to a virus i suffered. I lost my hearing completely in me left ear and have had this god awful ringing. I heard about lipoflavonoid and thought maybe sure give it a try and tho still have ringing in my ears it’s a lot more controlled then it was before. Therefore I am glad I have been using it…..don’t know for sure if it was the Lipoflavonoid or maybe just that the nerves in my ears are healing…….either way something appears to be working so thought maybe I will stay on it for another couple months and see how it goes.


Experienced intense heartburn / acid reaction , took less than prescribed two days ago ; now am having severe rectal pain ; as though i’d ingested a dozen jalapenos. Not good. My vertigo is worse than it was before i took this medicine although i don’t contribute the worsening of my illness to this “SUPPLEMENT” , it added another problem which i didn’t need, cannot recommend this to anyone and think there should be a warning label on the bottle. SOME PEOPLE SHOULD NOT TAKE THIS !


Stopped my ringing completely in about two months.  I thought all was good, so I stopped taking it only to see the symptoms return within a week, so I started taking Lipoflavonoid again and the ringing stopped again, so I feel certain that the Lipoflavonoid has been the key for my complete reversal.

While there appears to be more negative feedback than positive feedback, we must make you aware that normally only those that have issues will give feedback.  The positive users don’t report nearly as much or as often, but we know for a fact that some people do experience positive results from the use of Lipoflavonoids for ringing ears.  In fact, we have been testing this product ourselves with no negative side affects.  We have a family member that has been taking it for about 90 days now, and the ringing has completely stopped in one ear, while there has been only a small improvement in the other ear, although the ringing does seem to be much less noticeable in that ear as well.  We will continue to report back over time as to our lipoflavonoid user results.

One other thing that we noticed was that many of the people complaining of side effects were taking more than the recommended dosages, so read the label and take as directed and do NOT increase your dosages.  If you do experience any kind of side effects, stop taking the product immediately.  As with any health treatment options, we suggest you visit your doctor first for advice before taking any medication or supplements.  We will continue to look for more user reviews and feedback on side effects of lipoflavonoid use, so check back in the near future to see if we have update our website with additional information or details.

In closing, in addition to using Lipoflavonoid, we actually recommend that our users look into natural or holistic options to tread their tinnitus symptoms.  We have found this option offers better results in the treatment of tinnitus than any other treatment option.  If you are interested in giving Lipoflavonoid or Lipoflavonoid Plus a try, we have provided a link below to the best prices we have found online.


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