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Tinnitus Miracle Review

Tinnitus Miracle Review

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We feel that the “Tinnitus Miracle” holistic system is the best product available for sufferers of tinnitus or ringing of the ears.  This product comes in a PDF format e-book, so you can download it along with several other bonus offers the author is offering and began reading it instantly.  Most all new computers come with a PDF viewer, but if you don’t have the viewer, it is available for download free at www.adobe.com.  You can download and use the viewer in less than a few minutes.

One of the best things about Tinnitus Miracle is the fact that the author offers free life time updates along with one-on-one counseling for 3 months via e-mail.  I don’t know of any other author or expert on any subject that offers that kind of support.  That alone should tell you something about this product.  In order for any expert to give up that much of his time, his product has to be doing something good for people!


Thomas Coleman developed Tinnitus Miracle over a 12 year process of trial, error and experimentation.  His tinnitus treatment is backed by over 45,000+ hours of intense medical research for eliminating Tinnitus for good.  His technique is rare, highly unique and potently powerful in healing the dreaded ringing of the ear or ears.  Few people are even aware that his strategy for eliminating this ear problem even exists.  If you want to learn to cure your Tinnitus symptoms permanently, without drugs, surgery or typical treatments that often fail to bring results, then you should take a look at the tinnitus miracle website where he can tell you more about his tinnitus remedies.


We could continue to take up space here on this website rehashing what the author does much better on his own website, but rather than do that, we will just come right out and tell you that we think this is the best product available for Tinnitus treatment.  Simply click one of the links on this page and read for yourself what Mr. Coleman has to say about tinnitus causes and the best tinnitus remedies.  Best of all, he has an extensive list of success stories and a great money back guarantee to back him up.  Go check it out for yourself if you think it might be for you!  Below is a great YouTube video that explains more about Tinnitus Miracle.


Tinnitus is a term which describes any form of ringing, swishing, or other variation of auditory impulses that stem from areas of the head and the ear.  If you are looking for available tinnitus treatment options, then you have come to the right place, so continue reading for the latest information on tinnitus treatment.

The best way to cure tinnitus is to begin with a thorough evaluation of one’s medical history and physical body, which can be influential in the determination of the source of this symptom. Medical personnel, such as doctors, nurses, and medical assistants, can administer any number of examinations that may include an audiogram, computer tomography (CT) scan, auditory brain stem response (SBR) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, in addition to a physical exam, in order to locate the source of tinnitus for a specific individual.

In most instances, tinnitus originates in the outer ear, the inner ear, the middle ear or from abnormalities found in the cerebrum. Oftentimes, factors such as ear wax or foreign substances in the external ear may contribute to a blockage of the ear passage, which may be responsible for disease, infection, or an accumulation of fluid in regions such as the middle ear bones or the ear drum which may actually cause this condition. Once the specific source of the noise is determined, there are a number of measures than can be undertaken in order to treat tinnitus. The particular treatment that may be of use for a specific individual is largely based upon the source of the sound, the person’s medical history, and other symptoms that may be germane to a certain patient.

Preventative Measures

There are a number of specific tinnitus treatments that assist in preventing this condition from occurring or from becoming worse. In general, however, those suffering from tinnitus should refrain from placing objects within their ears while cleaning them. Additionally, it is a good idea to try to attempt to reduce noise levels as much as possible, particularly under any circumstances in which noise pollution is amplified. A number of medical practitioners advocate the usage of hearing protection, such as ear plugs and ear muffs, in settings in which there is excessive noise (such as while hunting or at a sporting event) as well as during everyday occurrences such as while using household equipment such as lawnmowers or hair dryers.

Natural Remedies

A number of the ways to cure tinnitus are holistic in approach and may be homeopathic, as well. Those looking to find more information on holistic treatment are encouraged to do further research. Again, patients should be aware that the effectiveness of each of these individual treatments will be based upon the particular source of the sounds of tinnitus as well as of any other symptoms that may apply.

Herbal Healing

A number of herbs have demonstrated their effectiveness in helping to treat and to cure tinnitus. One of the most effective of these herbs is ginko biloba, which has properties that thin the blood and carries a variety of antihistamine compounds. This treatment is effective for those whose tinnitus is accompanied by allergies or circulatory complications.

Aroma therapy is another herbal method for counteracting the effects of tinnitus. A number of particular scented oils such as lavender, rosemary, chamomile and other substances are able to allow the mucous membranes to open and intake small amounts of the medicinal properties found in them. The usage of hawthorn berries has been shown to have a degree of effectiveness in the treatment of tinnitus. The fruit of hawthorn trees, sometimes referred to as haws, has been known to have a curative effect upon the circulatory system. Nutritional supplements that contain this substance have also helped those suffering from tinnitus.

Another fairly effective remedy for tinnitus treatment is garlic, which has been used for medicinal purposes to help counteract viruses, heart issues, and many more physical ailments. When utilizing garlic for the purpose of curing tinnitus, this herb made be taken orally as food or as a nutritional supplement. There has also been some success with treating tinnitus by applying garlic oil directly to the ears.

Holistic Approach

A holistic perspective to treating illnesses such as tinnitus encompasses addressing not just the symptoms of this ailment, but examining and curing the body as a whole. One of the common effects of tinnitus is that it can induce difficulty falling asleep due to the constant noise within the ears. Meditation can assist tinnitus sufferers in this regard, since it allows them to focus their mind and tune out distractions that may prevent them from achieving an inner state of peace.

Acupuncture is another holistic treatment that can be useful in tinnitus treatment. Sources indicate that a number of tinnitus patients have experienced relief due to acupuncture, which has made significant strides in its use as curative measure in the western world. Additionally, it should be noted that white noise—which is generated by running an air filter, a fan, or some other form of innocuous noise that may provide a welcome distraction from the sound of tinnitus. Using white noise is particularly efficacious for providing a means for tinnitus sufferers to be able to sleep, since it provides an alternative sound to focus upon. The usage of Melatonin has also been helpful as a means of getting tinnitus suffers to be able to sleep better.

Tinnitus Medication

Niacin has long been recommended by medical practitioners as a useful method to help cure tinnitus. There are known side effects for taking niacin to counteract the unwanted effects of tinnitus, which include a condition known as skin flushing. Another pharmaceutical substance that provides a form of relief for tinnitus symptoms is known as gabapentin, which is the primary substance found in products such as Neurotin and Gabarone. A number of studies have indicated that gabapentin was particularly effective in reducing the degree of annoyance associated with common symptoms of tinnitus. However, most studies also revealed that this substance was not of particular value in decreasing the volume of the noise found within the ears of tinnitus sufferers.

While there are available tinnitus treatment options, It’s important to remember that tinnitus is not actually a disease – it is a symptom of some underlying condition. While these measures may provide some degree of relief, the true cure would be in the hands of a skilled diagnostician who can identify what is causing the problem.  Go to our Tinnitus Miracle Review page for more holistic treatment options.

If you are looking for answers for tinnitus causes and tinnitus treatment options, then you will want to continue reading this post.  Hyperacusis, also known as hypercousis, is another problem that is closely related to tinnitus and auditory problems related to the inner ear.  Hyperacusis sufferers have difficulty dealing with certain everyday sounds that do not affect the normal population.  It is believed that hyperacusis is brought on by damage to the auditory nerve of the inner ear, specifically related to damage to the auditory nerve while the hair cells that help with normal hearing remain intact and working properly.  In laymen terms, the problem is more perceived than real due to the way the brain processes the sound.  There is also another form of hyperacusis that is called vestibular hyperacusis and in this instance the brain also perceives sound as motion, when it is actually only sound waves.  Since hyperacusis is brought on by damage to the ears from over exposure to loud noises, it’s very similar to many forms of tinnitus.  Because tinnitus is a symptom rather than a disease itself, you cannot cure tinnitus through surgery or medications.  For this reason, hyperacusis and vestibular hyperacusis are often lumped in with all other forms of tinnitus since the tinnitus symptoms can be reduced or eliminated using specific holistic techniques.      

Another more specific form of tinnitus is pulsatile tinnitus.  It get’s it’s name because the sounds people hear resemble the sound of their heartbeat in their ear, and it can come and go or be intermittent.  Like other forms of tinnitus, pulsatile tinnitus is nothing more than a symptom, and it’s important that you see a doctor to rule out more serious problems such as aneurysms, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and even tumors of the inner ear.  These are all issues that could create pulsatile tinnitus.  Once you have been cleared by your doctor of any serious health issues that might cause your pulsatile tinnitus, you can follow our general recommendations that we give to cure tinnitus for non-serious health risks. If you suffer from pulsatile tinnitus, go visit your family physician today to make sure your tinnitus symptoms are not serious.

Tonal tinnitus can be the worst type since it is a continuous ringing or buzzing or other high pitched sound in the ear.  About 6% of the population complains from what is considered serious tonal tinnitus. The sound can be so loud and because it is unending, any time they try to rest or sleep or even find quietness, it is almost impossible because of the continuous ringing in the ears.   

Muscular tinnitus is another type of tinnitus which is caused by spasms of the two muscles that are attached to the bones of the middle ear and Eustachian tube.  Muscular tinnitus is less common, but it affects some portion of the population and can be just as annoying and often as debilitating as any other form of tinnitus.

Vascular Tinnitus is very similar to pulsatile tinnitus and is normally one of the tinnitus symptoms that is brought on by vascular problems that occur in or very near the inner ear and ear drum.   As with all forms of tinnitus treatment, once you have ruled out any serious medical condition that might be creating your tinnitus symptoms, you can then begin treating your problems following our tinnitus treatment options.

As you continue to read through the information that we have gathered regarding tinnitus remedies or tinnitus treatment here at My Cure Tinnitus, know and understand that this website and these tinnitus relief recommendations originally came about because I am a tinnitus sufferer myself.  I have had tinnitus symptoms for over ten years.  My initial tinnitus symptoms begin in my left ear, and eventually moved into in my right ear as well.  Over time, the ringing in my ears continued to worsen so that’s when I begin to learn all that I could about tinnitus causes and tinnitus treatment.  I have either used these tinnitus remedies personally, or received reliable feedback that the user found the tinnitus treatment to be effective.  Understand that depending on the root causes of your tinnitus that there may honestly be no help for you with any of our recommendations.  However, many people really do see improvements and some achieve almost complete relief using some of these recommended approaches.  Just understand that everyone is different and your treatment approach may need to be different as well.

I recommend that you start by taking lipoflavnoid, as it is rich in nutrients and ingredients that often offer longer term relief from many tinnitus symptoms.  Lipoflavnoid has helped hundreds of people reduce the symptoms of constant ringing in the ears, and there have been scientific studies that show many sufferers of Meniere’s syndrome are deficient in several of the important nutrients found in lipoflavnoid.  In addition to taking the lipoflavnoid supplements, I also highly recommend one of several natural or holistic treatments that are available. My number one choice is Tinnitus Miracle, but only because I have used it personally and it worked for me.  I have also received great feedback on a few other tinnitus remedies that you can find on our website as well. 

While there is no certain cure for tinnitus, there really are answers for your tinnitus causes and tinnitus treatment options that work for many people.  Anything you find on our site has been tested and found to be positive tinnitus remedies, so I am comfortable recommending them to you.  My suggestion is to stick to the tinnitus treatments found on this website, as there are very likely products being offered on the Internet that do not work and are simply tinnitus scams that you should avoid when trying to find relief from your tinnitus symptoms.  Take some time and look over our site and our tinnitus recommendations and make a decision for yourself as to which tinnitus treatment might be best for your individual tinnitus relief.

Most people that suffer from Tinnitus or ringing in the ears do not really understand that a complete tinnitus cure is not readily available.  There is no drug or procedure that you can have done today that anyone can tell you will be a definite tinnitus cure for you tomorrow.  However, most people also do not understand that there is a tinnitus treatment that is as close to a tinnitus cure that you can get, and it is readily available at a reasonable cost right now.  You see, tinnitus is not really a disease, but is rather a symptom of some other underlying problem of which there are many that can and will lead to the symptoms of ringing ears.  In order to get a true tinnitus cure, you must first find the culprit, and that is where we hope to help you.

If the above paragraph makes sense to you in regards to finding a tinnitus cure, then you should understand that our path to getting rid of that pesky ringing in the ears is to determine exactly what is causing your symptoms, and that is how we will eventually find you an actual tinnitus cure.  Since there is no medication in a bottle, finding this tinnitus relief is going to take some work, and it will begin by following a series of steps that will walk you through different scenarios that will hopefully lead to finding the root cause of your ringing ears.  Obviously if we can do this naturally or holistically, that is even better, because finding a natural cure will help ensure we do not create a new problem when trying to find you relief from your current issues.  Since it is so popular, it is very likely that you have already heard about Tinnitus Miracle.  However, if you have never heard of Tinnitus Miracle, then follow the link you will find at the bottom of our page and do a bit of reading, as this is one of the best solutions available for natural or holistic relief from tinnitus symptoms. Do not let anyone tell you that there is nothing that can be done for your tinnitus, because many people really do achieve tinnitus relief with some of these holistic products!  While you may have an issue that holistic treatments can not help, there is no way to know without experimenting with the available options to find out.  Any of the recommendations we make here on our website are fully guaranteed and come from legitimate sources if there is any involved costs, so we won’t recommend you to anyone that will attempt to scam you are rip you off.

Before beginning any tinnitus treatment plan, you should first visit your doctor and let them check you out thoroughly, because tinnitus is a symptom, and it could be a symptom of something much bigger, so you want to rule that out first.  Once you are certain that your problem is not a critical health issue that could affect your quality of life past the terrible ringing in your ears, that’s when it will be time to give one of our tinnitus cure suggestions a try.  Just know and understand that your medical doctor will likely tell you that there is nothing that can be done for you.  We know this to be true because we have heard it from so many different people, yet many people still find tinnitus relief with our suggested recommendations to help relieve their tinnitus symptoms.  While a complete tinnitus cure is not readily available, you can still take the first step in getting tinnitus relief by getting a complete checkout from your family doctor and once you rule out any serious medical defects, you can look into Tinnitus Miracle to see if it can help you with your Tinnitus problems!

You can Download our Ear Ring Info and “Tinnitus Type” Test Below.
This free hearing test will give you additional information on Tinnitus Symptoms, while allowing you to answer several questions which may help to better determine which version of Tinnitus you may be suffering from.